Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Keeping updated

Ok.. so i had a PT session today! WOW! it was only half an hour but it was good getting back into it! i was soooo nervous! Cant wait for my next one itll be an hour!! EEeEEee

Currently havent registered for the warrior dash which is really annoying me! Its xmas and i really cant justify paying the money to register for that when i havent started present buying yet! Its making me sad! Im keen Justins keen to be dragged into it AND my sister inlaw is ready to come too!! I would volunteer for the day and then you get to race for free but its my lovely step dads 50th birthday bash! I wouldnt want to miss that! Hmmm.. maybe we could make everyone do it for his Bday.. Come on clive! what better way to celelbrate your 50th?! hahaha no seriously..


Got the beach fever the other night when my bestfriend suprised me with a trip to the gong!
It was late and the sun was setting but it was cooling down nicely! We had a little picnic and a chat on the beach.. it was soooo relaxing i always forget how much the sea realxes me!
I would love to one day do yoga on the beach as the sun rises! TOTES going to!!
I got measured today after PT.. its been a month..
My body fat % is UNDER 30!! yay!!
Also another highlight losing 2cms off my thighs and
3cms off my narrow point! (above waist under bust)
Its a good starting point for the results from all the hard work ill be doing with these changes from the naturopath i was focused more on that than the last months progress as i had fallen off the wagon some what and into a vat of ben n jerrys haha but im very happy with that! I need to do a before photo and then i can do one in february and see the difference.

So i had this crazy idea.. i LOVE this bikini! but it doesnt come in a one piece.. and i was wondering around in my bra and undies this morning (as you do) and thought.. i could totally pass off a bikini who gives a crap what anyone else thinks. I was so excited the other day because i realised i dont have an over hang anymore!!! it has killed me since my first C Section! When they cut everything open and sew it back up they leave a "shelf" above the scar and everything kind of hangs over it!

Also this morning i notice ive got my back dimples back! yay!

Im doing night shift for the next two weeks! When i say night shift i mean 3:30-9pm im excited because i can do all my workouts in the morning! Im a little nervous as ive got a few big events during the day when i have to work that night! Night shift is crazy! its sooOOoOOo busy! But the atmosphere is really nice because its all quiet the residents are mostly relaxed and getting ready for bed and im just running up and down the corridors in the dim lighting. I generally dont get a break so i really need to be organised with my food! Have some food stashed in places around so i can eat on the go.. hygenically ofcourse! haha


  1. What does ur half hour PT cost you? If you don't mind me asking of course. My membership is up in Feb and I don't really like the owner, although I do like my PT. Is it at the leisure centre?

    1. Yup at the leisure center! their prices just went up i think its $30 or $35 for half hour and $70? for an hour.. not sure!
