It started off sore throat then turned into this massive head fog.. Headache then serious fatigue.. Couldn't talk and had a throaty cough! But I really can't believe how tired I have been! Admittedly I have been working full weeks and day shift after night shift the previous night! Ughh while I've been sick! I did have one day off because I literally could not even lift my arm I was so exhausted! I stayed in bed all day and drifted in and out of sleep! Had to force myself to get up and eat something to try and get some energy! Fucking crazy!!
But it's also come at a good time! Although I haven't been exercising and not as strict with my eating I feel great in my body! Obviously not the whole flu thing but I'm not hating my body as much as I have been! I've stopped being so stressed out and it's great to relax a bit! I have so much spare time lol I love the positivity flowing through my mind! I walk past the mirror and think I'm skinny instead of ragging on how I'm still huge and should go workout some more!
I feel at peace! I still want to achieve my goals and lose more body fat but there's no urgency and obviously right now my body needs a rest!
I look at all these healthy weightloss insta gram accounts and really wish I could be that dedicated!
My life is just a little too hectic right now for that! Of course ill still eat healthy and exercise but I need to focus on my family and our financial goals! Paying off our debt and saving for a house!so right now were working our asses off! Any spare hours I get I need to spend quality time with my family or resting! Immy goes to school next year so she won't be with me on my days off :-( everything will get a little cheaper and easier! Before we know it Evie will be starting school! I'm just taking this Flu as a sign to really stop and relax! Sometimes we can get caught up in the wrong things and I didn't realize how much my weightloss obsession was stressing my family out. I was always stressed out and negative. Always thinking I could do better or wasn't doing good enough was impacting on my family.
Listen to your body! Rest when you need rest!

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