Monday, January 30, 2012

Healthy Eating


Cruskits with Ham & Cheese
Calories: *175
2x Rye Cruskits 39 cals
50g Double Smoked Ham 55 cals
21g *Bega Tasty Cheese 85 cals

*didnt realise how many calories were in cheese!!
you can use the Bega Extra Light Cheese
for only 68 cals.. but its still alot!

Apricot Chicken Drumsticks
Calories: 374
2x Skinless Chicken Drumsticks 210 cals
1/2 cup basmati rice 96 cals
1/2 cup steamed brocolli 15 cals
1/2 cup steamed carrots 35 cals

To make marinade..
Bring tin of apricot nector to simmer
Pour in French onion soup (powdered sachet)
Stir until combined
Preheat oven to 180
Remove skin from drumsticks using paper towel
(wrap around drumstick and drag downwards)
Place drumsticks in casserole dish
Pour over marinade
Cover with lid
Cook in oven for 90 minutes

Hoping my food ideas are helping anyone out there who like me
 loves variety but maybe cant think of different things all the time =)

Happy Eating xx



So after an excrutiating PT session tonight my amazing trainer Katie decided she is going to do my measurements every FORTNIGHT!! Yeah right i thought how depressing! BUT!!! i have made amazing progress!! She was crazy excited about my fat % and its good when u see her so happy haha

1cm down everywhere
2cm off my thighs
3% decrease in body fat!
Overall positive attitude =)

I HATE BURPEES!!!! and i had to do a thousand of them! not seriously a thousand but damn did it feel like it! also i ran for a whole km!!!! amazing!!!! never thought i could do it but i did it!!! wow!!
Workout was so hard tonight i even pulled out my "ängel face"as i like to call it ahaha i mainly only bring it out in RPM cause its dark and no one can see... For those of you who have no idea what im on about.. this is what it looks like!

This only comes out when im seriously pushing hard! and its normally accompanied by a snarl hahahah

You have to exercise your mind as well as your body! Your body is only as strong as your mind! I totally 110% believe this! I was buggered after 7-800m of running but i just cleared my head and kept at it! i was just thinking GO GO GO BREATHE BREATHE BREATHE!! If i start to try and think about anything.. my goal, who is next to me, who is talking to me i lose it and the excuses start coming back.. who cares about 65kgs you look fine now just stop running.. you did a good 800m just stop now youre tired.. but i kind of go into a trance.. my eyes unfocus and i just go!

Stop your self loathing talk its not going to get you anywhere you want to be!
Love yourself and everything will come naturally!

Goodluck to everyone with their workouts this week! Just start small and work your way up!

Healthy Eating

 Lamb Wrap!
252 calories

Wollies Heartsmart Lamb leg steaks

SORJ Rye Wraps

70g Lamb 95 calories
30g baby spinach & Rocket 9 calories
1/2 cup grated carrot 13 calories
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes 18 calories
1 Tblsp Ranch Dressing 118 calories!!!

The ranch dressing is pretty naughty so you can add more
 lamb and substitute the dressing for balsamic vinegar!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

TASK 5: Commitment

"My commitment is to weigh 75kgs at the end of 12WBT! that means i will have lost 15kgs! I will be happier within my body and not shy away from oppurtunities because how i feel inside! I will be a strong confident mother =) ...and I am committed to do the work to get me there! I am going to bust my ass with workouts 6 days a week and really exercise my self control when it comes to junk food and sticking to my calorie limit!!"

This task was easy! i know i will do this! i have a fire within me that i havent really had before and heaps of support that was never there!


Motivation comes and goes.. but when u dont give yourself the chance to say óhh im so not motivated today'.. then its really quite simple!
Its just a matter of You HAVE to do this today! You made a commitment to michelle, to your family and most of all to youself! and i certainly do not want to let myself down!
I'm quite a competitive person and when i have a goal i charge towards it like im a bull and its a red flag! im not saying im as strong as an ox because i certainly have my days where i just want to whinge and curl up in bed! but thats what SUNDAY REST DAY is for!

A JOURNEY OF A THOSAND MILES MAY START WITH ONE STEP.. but its the CONTINUOUS steps that follow that get you there! One after the other.. One kilogram after another gone.. One workout after another.. One more healthy meal after another.. CONSISTENCY IS KEY!
I know this wont happen overnight there is no rush! and soon i will start to notice small changes! and soon everyone else will too =)

Healthy Eating..

Spiced Chicken Thigh 75g
Brocolli  1 Cup
Carrot  50g
Quinoa  1/2 Cup
Calories: 316
Yumfactor: 10/10

Pouched Eggs x2
Bacon x2
Grilled mushrooms 1/2 cup
Calories: 276
YumFactor: 9/10
Could have also done with some Pak choi

Low fat Yoghurt 100g
Oatbran  10g
Strawberries  40g
Passionfruit  Medium
Calories: 115
YumFactor: 100/10!!
My favourite snack!!!

No rest for the wicked...

So lots of rest for me =) im sweet as pie hehe

Enjoyed my rest day today but in the back of my mind really wanted to fit in a walk! Is that obsession??
i ate pretty bad today as well! Technically had my "Cheat meal"friday night! but it really wasnt that bad! (around 500 calories) I mean thats bad but i dont even want to calculate how many calories i ate today! ergghh..

BUT i always have tomorrow and tuesdaya to burn it off before WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY!! dun dun daaaaa! hahaha

its kind of exciting but if i stay at my current pace i will be at 75kgs at the end of 12WBT! So that is a good kick start on my mission to 65kgs! I have all year! theres no race as long as i do it the right way =)
Permanent changes to keep the weight off! =)

POSITIVE THINKING! is a big change im trying to make! Unfortunately i have this nasty habit of talking shit about myself.. I'm constantly self conscious and thinking nasty things i think people are saying in their heads when they look at me.. it has to stop!! i wouldnt ever let anyone speak to my family or friends the way i speak to myself.. its disgusting! So now when i hear the evil bitch in my head start ranting on her self loathing i give it to her like shes insulting someone i love!
Yes Yes i am insane.. i have fights with myself in my head hahaha but hey whatever works right?!
I love all the exercise i have been doing because it makes me feel good! it makes me feel 28kgs lighter! It makes me happy and energetic and feel sexy! It also shuts up the nasty voice in my head =)
My goal for this week?? Say 20 positives things about myself a day! and practise telling that nasty voice to shut it!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Healthy Eating!

Just thought id post up some recipes every now & then for anyone like me who likes variety =)

My Healthy Breakie Omlette
Calories: 188

2 x Whole eggs
30g Peppery Rocket
50g Cherry Tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped muchrooms
1/2 cup chopped capsicum
pepper to taste

Chop all ingredients to desired thicknesses
Spray small amount of olive oil into pan
grill tomatoes capsicum and mushrooms until soft
wisk eggs together
throw in rocket to soften
Pour over wisked eggs
Once eggs have started to cook flip one side ontop of other
cook for 2 minutes
Serve on plate

For an extra 140 calories you can add two peices of rindless bacon



My second Super Saturday Session..
Saturday Super Session..
Super Session Saturdays..
yeah my second SSS..  and wow i feel great! i think i like these better than normal workouts! I have never sweated so much in my life! i LOVE it! Did RPM @ 8:15...Dripping with sweat heart going to jump out of chest.. then straight onto PUMP @ 9:30..Dripping with sweat muscles screaming...
Its good i go hard today then rest tomorrow =) I tend to push myself harder because i know Sunday is rest day! Or if i feel like it ill go for a walk.. but its generally ''take it ease bro day!

This is me swimming with my babies after SSS
I love this photo because im so happy! This was my babies first time in the pool!

I'm making small improvements! Yesturday when we went to pick Imogen up from Daycare we went for a big walk up the massive hill to the park and then back home.. I didnt really sweat enough so i went for a run around the oval! and i RAN!!! hooray for me!! hehe


And this i me after the run hahahha

You know ive worked hard if im bright red and dripping with sweat =)

Pre Season Tasks...

Crankin along with my pre season tasks! I get all of them done the day they come out or a couple days later! The hardest one so far has been the setting goals.. its hard.. i mean i have my own goal "20 Kgs in 20 Weeks!" but setting smaller stepping stone goals is something i really had to think about..

My One month goal is to have lost over 4kgs! Get a heart rate monitor! and to have started the 12WBT with 110% commitment!... ill get there by sticking to the eating and exercise plans i have in place and remember why im doing this! For myself for my girls and for my husband!

My 3 month goal is to have completed the full 12WBT and have lost over 12 kgs! i want to be able to run/jog straight for 20 minutes.. ill get there by sticking at it even when it gets tough!! and to try and increase the amount of jogging i do slowly.

I would love to do a fun run! and so my 6 month goal is to join my Gym in doing the City to Surf and the pre training sessions that go with it! I know i wont run the whole way but id love to try and jog the whole thing! Maybe just walk up the massive hills hahaha

My 12 month goal is to have lost 28kgs be fit and healthy and settled in with my healthy eating and fitness regime! I want to go to the 12WBT finale workout and party and be proud of myself! not to mention wearing a sexy dress!!...  I'll get there with consistency! making sure i get one cheat meal a week so im not feeling "deprived" and ORGANISATION!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A small milestone!


AND... i Finally got back into RPM! It is the best class! RPM and Pump are my favourite! I am yet to start doing laps yet.. a certain trainer of mine distracted me after my RPM class haha lucky shes such a good conversationalist! =)
Im dying to get my heart rate monitor!!!! blah!!

Went to the movies today and worked in some popcorn and 50g bag Peanut M&Ms into my calories for the day.. but ended up not even eating the M&Ms! and only had 76 calories of popcorn! yay!! normally i would have scoffed the whole popcorn and got a massive 500g bag of M&Ms and eaten the whole thing!

Not much to say today so i will leave you with some photos of my food!

                   Smoked Salmon Salad..         &  No fat yoghurt with oatbran and nectrine

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I LOST 1.1Kgs!!!!!!!!

This is my face right now!!!! ^^^^^^

That's SO exciting!!!

SO... still on track for my 20kgs in 20 weeks! Actually i am 100g ahead of myself !
I actually weighed myself thismorning but i forgot to pee and i had drunk heaps of water when i woke up.. so i didnt think i had done as well.. but i just did a huuuuugggeeeee wee and the scales were staring at me and im like... hmm... i wonder...
So! what did we learn from this experience?? ALWAYS WEE BEFORE WEIGHING YOURSELF!!

I've been working really hard this past week and a half! Monday night i do Personal training sessions that really work me! and ive been consistent with my exercise! Doing something everyday!
My fitness pal has really improved my eating because i track every calorie BEFORE i eat so i know im not going to go over my limit! At the moment im doing 1200-1300 a day which is hard sometimes!

YAY!! i can pull off my first post it!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

.. Dont give up...

I seriously need this quote today...
This is one of my excuses... Nothings changing so whatever.. i give up...
i have never been known for my patience.. I need to keep telling myself this will not happen over night! Ive got this whole year! I've got until my bday to lose 20kgs! One of my friends lost 2.3kgs last week.. im so happy for her but it makes me think.. damn what am i doing wrong?? im working out heaps more than i was.. im tracking my calories everyday and making sure its under 1200.. excluding my cheat meal.. but i guess its only been a week.. and it hasnt even been a week for me to weigh myself.. SUCK IT UP!!!!!
This is my favourite one! it makes me giggle!
I did really well this morning! Instead of driving Imogen to preschool i walked her there and then went the long way home! Up two massive hills mind you! blergh! But every little bit helps! and thats 200cals i wouldnt normally have burned =) plus i have my Personal training session tonight which i will get smashed in.. and then yoga!
 As you can see i FINALLY have internet! So i will now be posting pictures along with my posts! =)
             Take a look back at my first post you will now see horrendous before photos! woo woo

Sunday night cheat meal...

BAD IDEA!!! Oh my god the mother in law cooks amazing but tonight I just went a little overboard!! 5spiced roast pork belly, tandoori lamb chops, baked potato, chicken nugget balls? And carrots. There was a salad but of course I didn't eat any! It's my cheat meal I'm not going to eat salad! Ohh god I wish I had eaten that salad!! My left kidney is killing me!!! And I keep getting stomach cramps! I'm Never going to eat that bad ever again cause hot damn I feel like throwing up! Blerggh.. I née some fresh recipes though cause I'm kinda getting bored with the stuff I have been eating! Except my fruit salad with yoghurt cinnamon and oat bran! Mmmmm man that's good! And only 300 something calories! Actually I was bad all round today! I had fruit toast for morning tea two pieces almost 200cals then pie and veggies for lunch over 400cals! And dinner... Blergh over 700cals I reckon!! Help me I feel so shit! I ache! I'm aching in my belly! And I didn't over eat I just ate shit! So bad.. So who's going to blast out another 1000cal workout tomorrow??? The one who ate the pork belly and baked potato that's who!! ME! Dammit! If I had my HRM I could tell how many calories I will burn in my PT session tomorrow.. Blast being poor!! Oh yes.. Finally got my mothers cross trainer in my lounge room.. It's so rickety and scary.. But I have to make myself use it! Even if I feel it'll break and I'll die Hahahaha Ugh off to dreamland to escape my aching body full of salt and trans fats :-/

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Crunch Time..

Well yesterday was the first social outing for the SSW 12wbt group! It was great! I got to meet Jayne my biggest inspiration! And found that there are some ladies in my area doing it as well! They've also convinced me to buy a heart rate monitor! So first moment I get some spare money that's the first thing I have to get! The FT4 in pink! $99 from Yesterday afternoon I dragged my hubby and the girls out for a walk! After talking to all the SSW girls I needed to finish my SSS of 1000 calories! So out we went to the park that's 2kms away. I walked most of it but when we got to the park I went to run around the soccer fields so I could burn more calories! Oh my god it is SO much harder running on terrain than the treadmill! My shins are killing me today! But I finished on 1009 calories! Hooray =) Last night I got out Mish's book Crunch time and seriously crunched some numbers! My BMR is 1736 My calories in are 1200-1300 And my deficit (to lose 1kgs a week) should be 7000 So in conclusion I have to do 5 x workouts where I burn 800 calories and 1 x super session of 1000 calorie burn! And I day rest! Also Sunday nights will be my cheat meal because we go to the inlaws! You never know what deliciousness they will cook =) mmmmm So to make that happen I either new to smash the gym for longer or do two it's of workouts a day! BUT for accuracy I seriously need this HRM! Every machine says different readings and then My Fitness Pal is different again! I feel like I'm eating ok.. I'm under 1300 every day and I burn 500 cals a day but I'm just not feeling like there's much of a change going on... I'm already behind my 1kg a week for 20 weeks goal! Oh well we shall see what's what on weigh in Wednesday! On my scales! Not the gyms haha Can't wait till I'm fit enough to run 5k straight! And not have my legs explode on me! Hoping everyone else is doing well! P.s cranky because my Internet isn't set up yet so I'm having to do posts from my phone! I have pictures to insert dammit!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

.. I CAN DO THIS!! ..

Week one pre season and something has clicked... You just have to do it! Michelle is a genius! There is no uhmming and thinking up excuses don't let your brain travel that far! Exercise is just another task you have to do in your daily routine.. Like brushing my teeth or having a shower! I love My Fitness Pal! It's fantastic! You can track all your food and exercise and it keeps you honest because all your friends can see your entries! Exercise has never really been my problem I love it! I love the gym and going for jogs its all good! My biggest problem is my eating! But that was in the past! Asking as I have healthy food readily available then I know what I can make and I can JUST DO IT when I'm hungry! I had a mini break down at the gym yesterday.. My trainer weighed me on the gym scales and it said I was still 93kgs. I couldn't control myself I just burst out crying. I had eaten breakfast and drank heaps of water by the time I was weighed so I understand the high number. I was also measured and we compared my stats to the ones taken back in October. I've lost 5kgs! And 3cms off my bust 4cms off my waist 2cms off my hips 4cms off my thighs Such good progress considering I was in hospital for 3 weeks and recovering for months and really only just started exercising again recently! I should have been so happy and proud of myself but instead I cried.. Those weaknesses and excuses were coming through.. My self sabotage negative record was starting to play in my head again.. "you'll never be skinny what the point in pushing yourself.." "you're so horrible and fat how could you do this to yourself you're pathetic" "plenty of woman have babies and don't look this bad you are shit" So what did I do? Yeah sure had a moment of weakness had a cry embarrassed myself in front of my trainer but then I got up and went on the cross trainer and smashed it out! For those who dot know I hate the cross trainer lol and then I got on the bike and smashed that too! My reward for picking myself up again? I have a job interview today! I was calle while I was on the bike and I kept pedaling haha Thank you universe! That afternoon my bestfriend and I cut up magazines and made our motivation boards! I also had this crazy idea of doing a weightless journey tracker! So every kg I lose I pull one of the post it's to reveal the weight I am now I've lost that kg. then I'll cross it out never to be that weight again! And it reminds me of how many I have to go! I also wrote on post it's and stick them all around the house! My daughter loves them I'm yet to hear my husbands oppinion haha I know I'm going to do this! I can do it!! I just have to continue eating right and pushing myself with my exercise! I realized that I would stop when I got puffed put because I wasn't used to it My body would automatically tell me to stop to get my breath back.. But now I love dripping with sweat! And being puffed out! It means I'm working out the right way! =) I get my cross trainer this weekend so there'll be NO sitting on the lounge watching tv! It'll be on the cross trainer for me =)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 1 Weigh In...

This was hard.. I normally weigh myself on a Saturday morning but for 12wbt we weigh in on a Wednesday.. So the stats.. Sat 14th January I weighed 92.2kgs and Wed 18th January I now weigh... 91.7 So I lost 500g in 4 days. That's pretty disappointing. I've got My Fitness Pal up and running (transformerRach) and so I'm tracking my exercise and calories. Im exercising 500cals and eating 1200.. Oh well hopefully next weeks weigh in I will have actually made some decent progress! I've been reading all these inspirational blogs and hoping that in a year I can look back on this one and say wow I did it! Im at my goal weight of 65kgs I'm happy and my life is nothing like it was. I will not let this minor weightless get the best of me!! RPM this morning!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday 16th Jan.. Day 1.. Ohh dear

Ok.. I will be honest.. I starte day 1 off terribly!! BUT I ended it quite well! Woke up late and ha to zoom around to get Imogen ready for preschool and pack the nappy bag as Evelyn had her appointment with the Physio at Campbelltown hospital. Mistake number 1: DIDN'T HAVE BREAKFAST!! So grabbed maccas on the way to the hospital.. Oh dear.. Mistake Number 2: Haven't done the groceries as we get paid on Wednesday and there was no food in the house.. Had $6 in change so what did I do?! HUNGRY JACKS! =( I felt so guilty.. And I felt horrible while I was eating it!! I should have got a $2 salad from woolies and a 50g packet of smoked salmon! This is my problem!! NO ORGANISATION!!! Then I don't eat properly get starved and then eat SHIT!! Sigh.. Ok I got that off my chest.. I screwed up but there's always tomorrow!! Monday night Personal Training session with my best friend! I think I don't push myself hard enough.. I mean I'm exhausted and red faced while we are doing our session but am never sore the next day?! So do my muscles not work properly?? Sigh.. I think I got a bit disheartened because our trainer was a little unsure if we could lose the 20kgs in 20weeks.. So now I'm thinking I can't do it =( but I really want to!! Blah.. Read Michelle's book crunch time this morning and got some recipes from there and ideas on snacks to have so wrote out a really good shopping list! Tomorrow after we go shopping its go time!! After a really good PT session we did Yoga which was so calming! Then I ha a protein shake showered and went to bed. What a horrible start! But I will strive to do my best for the next 20 weeks!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

20kgs in 20 weeks!! A birthday present to myself..


Ok.. So I've joined Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation and I would love to lose more than 12kgs! But I'm setting my goal for 12 and if I do better then hooray!! Clearly I haven't quite mastered the art of Blogspot for IPhone as I am yet to get Internet my blog will not be fancified for some time! I am so excited!!! This is the year!! This is MY year!! I WILL get back to 65kgs! I will be happy healthy fit and motivated for life!! I will be chasing my daughters around and happy!! I'm so sick of being so grumpy and feeling like life is such an effort! I will STOP self indulging and feeling miserable!! I will LOVE myself & my body instead of feeling like shit & putting myself down all the time! I want to go shopping in Ally, Jeans west, Forever New and BLOCH and be able to fit into whatever I want with confidence!! Motivation +10 today!! "Fuck Yerr" that is all!