Monday, September 3, 2012

Stay on track..Push yourself

Fuck motivation.. it comes, it goes.. but where does it really stem from? Why do we let it control us?

 "Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. Conceptually, motivation is related to, but distinct from, emotion..."

Consistency! Think about being consistent! If you keep at it you will go far! each little step youre still moving forward! Each tiny little batttle you win youre getting closer to your goal! Dont pave the way for an excuse switch off your negative thoughts and JUST DO IT!!
This week i have been strong! I have exercised my self control with food..  but i have had no motivation to exercise.. well no thats a lie i have PLENTY of motivating factors to lose weight! My trainer gets back next week!

 My cousins wedding in a MONTH! Still havent found a dress because im not happy with my body!

 its starting to get hotter! think.. shorts swimmers and the beach..

Keen for some beach workouts!
Also because while im happy with the progress i have made i know im not there yet.. I can see what i want to look like and its not far away! 10 kgs to go!

I forced myself to the gym the other day for a PUMP class.. feeling like shit and not wanting to go but afterwards i felt amazing! I was lifting the same weight as the trainer taking the class and keeping up the whole time! Even on the lunge track where we did squat jump combos blerrgghhh I felt so strong and so proud of myself for coming so far! I remember when i first started at the gym and could barely lift anything and now im having to add even more weight to keep my heart rate up! My muscles were screaming the next day! My whole body was sore! Its been a long time since i have been that sore and it was great! =) haha

Just push yourself that little bit further! You'll get there! When your head is screaming to give up just say one more just one more..push a little but more its amazing how strong you are when you give yourself positive thoughts and encouragement! Youll get nowhere if youre not hurting! Heavy cardio and resistance training is the way to shift the weight! Getting moving is the start but you have to keep stepping it up if you want results! Especially if your eating isnt 100% clean! You have to work twice as hard at the gym!

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