I got this question through from my very beloved follower Elle.. she always comments on my posts and i thank her for that =) always nice to have some feedback!
" how did starting to lose weight and change your diet and
exercise regime affect your family? I am finding that my partner is the most
trying part about this, he wants to be supportive but he isn't changing any of
his behaviours so it affects me. I know I shouldn't let it but it does. Did your
husband change the way he ate or was he pretty healthy? "
"How do you
manage maintaining healthy eating with two girls running around?"
Ok, great question!! When i first started it was very hard for me as my husband doesnt have the same habits he can just eat whatever he wants and doesnt really care for healthy eating! My husband has a V for breakfast! haha The worst is when he gets take away! I have to be so strong to resist and make sure i make a healthy choice for myself! I just think everyone is different and hes just not ready to change but i am! and i know what i want! I have the picture of my goal body in my mind and i know if i give in to this it wont be what i get! SO! BE STRONG! and talk about it! Tell him how it affects your progress! Plus in my house i do all the meal planning,shopping & cooking! So i cook healthy meals and ive learnt to cook what i want and he will eat it! If not he can do the meal planning and cook his own food! He now eats baby spinach & rocket! and ive even had him eat fish one time!! He doesnt enjoy it but has stopped complaining haha He gets to pick what he has for lunch and snacks for work and i dont complain about what he eats while hes not around me! If he doesnt want ot be healthy then fine but dont make unhealthy choices around me and make it really hard for me to control myself! Its hard enough to eat healthy without someone sitting next to you eating maccas! I used to get caught up in the "how come he gets to eat that and im not allowed?!" so then i would eat it because i could! but then i realised thats an immature way of sabotaging my efforts! So now i praise myself for doing so well and not giving in to it! Youll find your strength! Just remind yourself why you are on this journey.. just because he isnt in the same frame of mind doesnt mean hes not super proud of what youre doing! You can do it! Your strength will give others strength just remember that!I have recently had a big overhaul with my exercise routine.. I was exercising so much that i was always at the gym and wasnt getting in enough family time at night. I was working out so hard that i didnt have the extra energy to clean the house and run around with the girls and my husband in the arvo! So i got in big trouble off hubby haha Now i try and time in exercise after i have done cleaning and always try to include the girls when i can! For example fitting in workouts while theyre are at preschool after i finish work! Or tues thurs mornings when i can put them in the creche! they love it because they get to play with friends and we play in the playground after my class! On the weekend i went for a bike ride and met them at the park for a play! I feel guilty alot if i dont spend enough time with my family but then i feel pressured because i havnt got a good workout in.. it is quite hard to balance everything! But life isnt perfect and every week you might not do everything to the book but its about making exercise and healthy eating FIT INTO YOUR LIFE! Initially its about the big results and transformation but the overall thing we are looking for is a healthier lifestyle that you can stick with the rest of your life! So i dont beat myself up about it! I dont compare myself to others who can gym 7 times a week and everythings sweet because i have a family and theyre a priority as well!
...This came through from Mel. B (No not scary spice hehe)
" Rach, You're so motivated & i seriously look up to you.. The past 6 months have been the worst in my life ever, i was really motivated before and healthy too..now i can't seem to bring myself to want to start again! How can can i make myself if that makes any sense
You've been through alot babe! And it'll take time to grieve what happened to your dad! Even though things are looking better you will still need to cry over what happened! It'll be hard to get back into it but it'll help you deal with your emotions! Just start off small! Walking your dog.. Going for a swim.. Doing a class at the gym and be really kind to yourself! Don't push yourself or expect a lot because emotions will pull you down! So just breathe, relax and go for a walk even if it's just half an hour Take sometime to focus on yourself and getting back to Mel! Your dad will be happier knowing you're looking after yourself and you'll have more happiness & support to give him
Just remember to keep up the positive self talk! Its not about where you were but about how youre going to improve from where you are now! Take it easy and try to have some down time to cry! Expressing your emotion will make you feel lighter! Pushing them down just make sthem harder to deal with later. Goodluck and hope everything keeps improving with your Dad! xox
...This one came through from Sarah. D
"Firstly congrats on how far you have come you look absolutely fantastic and you should be so proud! I have been reading your blog aswell, well done!
I am just so stuck..... I am terribly embarrassed, shy, ashamed when it comes to the weight issue but it has ruled my entire life and i hate it.
I just want to know how did you start, what were your short term goals and how do i train my mind? Its my mind that is my absolute down fall, the negative thoughts, the thoughts of not being good enough, the embarrassment and the crying!! Im so over it!
I truely hope you dont mind me contacting you but i just think what you have achieved is so far beyond great and i dont have any friends as such in the same position as me. I am so terribly embarrassed about the whole thing but i guess talking to someone is the first step hey?! "
You need to stop letting it rule you! Stop letting it control you! You are beautiful! You just need to make the decision.. I'm sick of feeling this embarrassed I'm sick of feeling not
Good enough im sick of not being proud of who i am!
Decide to do it!! Be strong dont let it make you a victim! Decide to make a positive change and stop all the shit talk! Would you let anyone say that to someone you love the way you talk to yourself? No! And you certainly don't deserve it! Whenever it comes up think.. Why would you say that? Tired? Exhausted? Are you comparing yourself to someone else?! Then think of what you would say if someone you loved was saying that about themselves.. Youre doing amazing! You have a great relationship you have a house! You have a good job you're a great worker! You are amazing and everyone else's life is different! You can't compare yourself!
I got sick of hating myself.. And knew I had to change it! Then just searched for anyway I could!
Set yourself an ultimate goal! Mine is 65kgs.. But set yourself milestones along the way! Like 2kgs! 5kgs, 10kgs and set yourself rewards for those accomplishments! When I lose 2kgs I'll buy myself gym gear! When I lose 5kgs I'll get a massage, when I lose 10kgs a weekend away with your boyfriend! Try not to reward yourself with food.. Going out to dinner is fine but it's a terrible trap! You have to avoid it until you know you can choose healthy options!
Take the emotional control away from food!
I stopped drinking alcohol, I stopped eating take away fast food.. I stopped snacking on lollies! I stopped the ice cream
The less you try and make yourself happier with food the better you will feel! Talk about how you feel! Cry if you need to but don't push it down and cover it with things that won't help.. Also try not to make food a meeting point or a fill in for boredem! Meet people in the park and go for a walk, suggest they come over for dinner and cook something new and healthy! Dont grab a bag of chips/lollies to watch TV grab a bottle of water or a tea! Have some nuts or a banana if you think youre hungry! Get out of the habit of not watching what you eat! If you want chips grab a handfull put it in a small bowl and put the packet away! One scoop of low fat sugarless ice cream with fruit! Small changes!
Create a routine! Walk the dogs in the morning!Its amazing how good you feel all day after morning exercise! Or in the afternoon if that suits you better! just before dinner or when the sun is setting its quite relaxing!
Start saying positive things! Everyday say atleast 5 positive things about yourself or your life! Everytime a negative creeps up tell it to fuck off because you're amazing youre making a positive change for your life it wont happen overnight so give it time but god damn youre doing it and you dont need negative things liek that in your head! =)
I joined Michelle bridges 12 week body transformation and got heaps of recipes and workouts and her videos really help with the issues! That started me off really well
I hope that helped! You can ask me anything or talk to me whenever you need to I'll be here for you! Little steps! Make a big change xoxo
If theres anything else you would like to ask or have any feedback please comment below or Message me on FB =)
Thanks for all the questions so far
Rachel Letourneau
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