So far we are into day 4! The plane trip was great both girls did really well and I didn't let my anxiety get to me too much :-) settled into our two bedroom apartment and I'm pretty sure I want to live there permanently! Haha the view is perfect! We can see the beach and the little inlet! Air conditioning is amazing!!!! We are going to die when we get home.. The kitchen is beautiful and our closet is HUGE!!
I brought some nice dresses to go out for dinner and some of my heels! So looking forward to getting all pretty one night! :-)
Yesterday we went to movie world!! I'm a pretty tough girl I can do some amazing things but OMG I was having big anxiety over the damn roller coasters haha my favourite "superman" ride was CLOSED!! What?! Lucky the new "green lantern" ride was awesome!! I'm fine with upside down and fast rides its just the slow accent up into the clouds that really freaks me out! Haha never being a patient person and prone to terrible anxiety the worst part is the wait.. I always enjoy myself and want to do it again but it's managing the irrational fear that pops into me while waiting and slowly going up click by click that I need to conquer.
Immy & Evie enjoyed their first ride! And the merry go round was the happiest moment of the day! Imogen's face could have lit up the entire world! Just look at it! She's so cute!
Surprisingly healthy-ish lunch! Went to a buffet kind of like sizzler! Made a salad and had some battered fish.. Not much in the way of healthy protein sources unfortunately! Did avoid the Ben & Jerry's shop!! Didn't drink nearly enough water! Need to buy bigger water bottles! I did half freeze two pump bottles and the girls juice poppers! Such a good thinker!
The weather has been beautiful up until this morning! Rainy! So we decided to take a bus ride to the shopping plaza! I've wanted new swimmers for AGES! My black ones are too big and I hide behind them too much! So... I bought a BIKINI!! Whhhaaaaaaaatttt?!!!
I think I've come to the realization that maybe ill never be the size 8 body I want! But uno thats ok!
I've always been thick in the hips! I'm not using it as an excuse to stop working my ass off, I know I still have atleast 8% body fat to lose and that loss could change my shape a little, but just trying to take some of the negative self body image away! You have big hips.. So work it! Haha and run run run off that excess fat! Haha
For my birthday I want a DEXA scan! Then I can see what my body shape is and how far I have to go! Also it'll give me a bit of motivation and a good before shot for when I'm finished!
I bought lots of magazines to read and one was "oxygen" I was also looking for "shape" but no one ha it! I need to trim down and I need the results and these magazines are all about working hard for what you want! I love the muscle women! Sure they're a bit extreme but what's that saying? Aim for the moon and if you fall you'll land on a cloud? Something like that! So I'm aiming for Pluto and we shall see how far I get :-)
Obviously haven't been eating the best.. It's hard when you don't have your kitchen! Had to stock everything! Admittedly I did bring my protein powder up! Justin was worried they'd think it was drugs and have to search my stuff haha I haven't had any yet!
Breakfasts have been good! Snacks have been terrible.. Water consumption has been really bad. I made a nice BBQ the other night and I made myself have a salad! I'm craving this Thai resturant that we have downstairs!! It looks so fancy!
I did manage a beach run on Monday morning! It was great! Forgot how effing hard it is to run on the beach! I had to run back on the pathway because the tide had come up too far! Managed 7kms in just over an hour! Kept getting scared someone was behind me because the sun was just coming up! Haha
I miss the gym! Worried I'm not doing any weights and was tempted to go find one! The gym here really is quite disappointing! Might drag Katie and Clive in there this arvo before we have BBQ hamburgers!
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