Sunday, May 6, 2012


...12WBT ROUND 1 2012 is over...

Doesnt really matter.. i sort of gave up following it about week 4..I didn't believe in it.. I couldn't get to the computer to watch the videos and I know what I'm supposed to do! It's really not that hard.. Weightloss is not a secret.. Eat clean healthy food! And exercise! Now depending on what results you are expecting depends on how you do both of those things!  So ive been doing my own version of it! and then stopped about 2 weeks ago.. ive started delving into what happened when i was in hospital and it has sent me into a food binge pattern.. instead of having my feelings about it i turn to food.. yeah..  not good.. so last thursday i started a "detox" which simply means.. detoxifying my body! No more fast food! trying to actually focus on what im eating..

I think the biggest thing that people miss on their weight loss journey is your mind! You've heard it before train your mind to be strong and your mind will train your body! So true! I know what's right and wrong but my mind is weak! I can train like a machine if I set my mind to it.. I can eat super clean if I set my mind to it.. But what happens?? If I know what I'm doing wrong then why do I let myself do it?! How do we train our mind? That's the questions we should be asking!
I was reading in one of the thousand health magazines I have about how to beat emotional eating or food binging.. and one trick they say to do is carry a notebook with you and write down how you feel before you eat and after you eat and the reason why you ate.. ect.. i would never actually carry the notebook and write it down..but it made me think! and now whenever i go to eat i think.. hmm?.. 

Getting weighed & measured at PT tonight.. I wanna lose 5 kgs before my birthday! and be under 80kgs! So gotta work hard! Doing PT twice a week. Mondays with Mel and Thursdays with my mum!
Yes i convinced her into it haha

On a plus side.. alot of people are commenting on how much weight i have lost.. and i ran for a km up a hill yesterday! in the freezing cold! which is a massive improvement! and i could walk fast and easily keep up a conversation without being puffed! small things but its good to notice!

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