You can see on the map where i reached 4kms heading home and i was so proud of myself for beating my time i was like i can keep going!! cut diagonally across the football oval and kept going!
The amazing view from the top of the hill! I'll be even more proud when i can run the whole hill non stop!!a challenge i have accepted! and a photo of my happy self afterward! In my new favourite NIKE top =)
My gorgeous daughter Imogen! She came into my life at a time i needed a sign from the universe to turn my life around. Everyday she amazes me and everyday im thankful i have her! My amazing husband! Without his love and support i would not be able to have achieved anything!
Another proud moment was being aknowleged in my friend courtenays blog!! its so nice to know youre making a difference inspiring others! It motivates me to motivate others =) Shes starting off her second round of 12WBT after having a first round rather like mine.. but shes dedicated shes got all the right equiptment and im so keen to see her results from this round! shes got some fire in her belly i can feel it! GO COURTS!!! if you want to follow her blog here is the link! curveyourenthusiasm.blogspot.c om
This book is crazy!! Google it! Buy a copy or borrow one from a library or friend!
It delves into the emotional side of injuries/illness! and is SO true!
Good work Rach love all your pics so cute! x