Ok.. Minor stumble..
Yeah... Michelangelo obviously doesnt know me! I aim WAY too high...
I fell off the wagon BIG time this week..
So un organised.. my husband hasnt really been much help food wise! and my girls are sick which has kept me up most of the nights this week!
Not to mention wednesdays weigh in which really pushed me down.. i know i am changing but i have set a goal for myself.. much too high.. at 1kg a week! and last wednesday was my first goal to hit!
i didnt hit my first goal so automatically i have failed! Here comes the bad mindset again..
Im going to get the size chart for Jeans west and write down the size 12 measurements and focus on that as well as my weight loss so then i have something to compare myself with that is actually changing!
One think i did notice..everytime i ate junk my belly was so bloated! and my mind started all the negative thoughts again..
Sometimes its not about how many times you fall down but how many times you PICK YOURSELF UP AGAIN..
Didnt do my Super session today.. really just couldnt be bothered and needed to spend sometime with my girls... SO going to AquaFit tomorrow and doing RPM and PUMP! I feel like a traitor to my gym but i guess its their fault for not running classes on a sunday haha HOW DARE THEY HAVE A DAY OFF! hahaha
I'm kind of excited! Somewhere different but the same classes i love!

Really nevous about my measurements this fortnight! I really wont be suprised if i have put on.. Oh well just have to be better organised and better supported next week! Sometimes people dont realise how hard it is to lose weight! Its amazing how easily it goes on but damn.. getting it off is murder!!
I kill myself exercising but that doesnt matter if im not even eating properly! I really need more support at home! Its really hard but i know itll all be worth it in the end!
Goal for this week: Do not be lazy with your food Rachel!! Just because someone else is eating unhealthily does not mean you have to! Try and choose the healthier options at other peoples houses and take healthy snacks for outings! Come on you can do it!!
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