Tuesday, March 13, 2012


No Weigh in this wednesday!
Tune in Monday night for my measurements and weight!

Roast chicken wraps on mountain bread! for lunch and Bunless burgers for dinner =)

I feel like im doing so well with my eating and exercise.. its so hard to get out there when youre so used to going to the gym and doing classes or having your Personal trainer tell you what to do! I actually have to try and think about how im going to burn my 500 calories haha

Yesturday i made justin come with me to help me out with my 100 squat challenge... didnt help that it was 3 in the arvo and scorching hot and super windy on the beach! Not to mention my husbands presence putting me off my workout lol I may not have done my 100 squat 5 burpees every minute crazy challenge but i still managed to burn 587 calories even though i just wanted to chuck a tantrum and go back.

My shins were killing me so i had to think of something different to keep my heart rate up as walking wasnt enough. I started doing side skips? man they hurt my calf muscles haha so i would do 20 on each side and then run for the count of 50 and repeat.. Today im going to do a a circuit that involves
30m sprints then 10 x sit ups,
Sprint then 10x push ups,
Sprint then 10x squat jumps,
Sprint then walking lunges
Sprint then 40 sec hovers.
and repeat that 5 times! Unless i die beforehand hahaha

 I seriously need to strengthen my core muscles itll help me run better i think!  
Key factors to remember... Eat clean and train.. doesnt matter what you do aslong as you get puffed and sweaty! Hardest step is starting!

 Keep eating simple! Meat or Protein with salad.. veggies...
Just keep at it! You dont want to look back in 6 months and say "yeah i could have done better" for me i dont want to get to my birthday goal and say.. "if only i had worked that little bit harder.. i may be at my goal now.." I want to make myself proud! be able to say i worked hard for this body! Everyday its a battle but no one ever said it would be easy!

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful family! Is your bunless burger on a mushroom?
