Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Down .5kg this week.. Not happy with my slow ass weight loss but really not prepared to do more exercise to amp it up.. im too exhausted as it is already! I could work on my eating ihavent really been eating enough.. been skipping snacks.

Hope everyone had a better loss this week! Im praying for just ONE WEEK where i lose 1kg! i would be so happy!!! sigh.. maybe when we are on holidays and i can exercise twice a day!

On another note..


Made with a mushroom crown
Usual salad
Lean beef pattie with mustard

Chicken Skewers and Quinoa

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Healthy Eating

Even when i do fall off the wagon it really isnt that bad.. i still make sure i have healthy meals!

Dinner Mustard chicken w/ Beans Asparagus and Roast tomatoes
282 Calories
(cooked by my hubby!)

Breakfast Boiled eggs w/ Soy linseed Soldiers
185 calories

 Marinated BBQ Skewers w/ quinoa
292 calories

Chicken Breast
Red & Green capsicum
Red onion

2tbl Soy sauce (low salt)
1tbls Balsamic vinegar
1/2 tablespoon crushed garlic
1/2 tablespoon of honey


Ok.. Minor stumble..

Yeah... Michelangelo obviously doesnt know me! I aim WAY too high...
I fell off the wagon BIG time this week..
So un organised.. my husband hasnt really been much help food wise! and my girls are sick which has kept me up most of the nights this week!
Not to mention wednesdays weigh in which really pushed me down.. i know i am changing but i have set a goal for myself.. much too high.. at 1kg a week! and last wednesday was my first goal to hit!
i didnt hit my first goal so automatically i have failed! Here comes the bad mindset again..
Im going to get the size chart for Jeans west and write down the size 12 measurements and focus on that as well as my weight loss so then i have something to compare myself with that is actually changing!
One think i did notice..everytime i ate junk my belly was so bloated! and my mind started all the negative thoughts again..

Sometimes its not about how many times you fall down but how many times you PICK YOURSELF UP AGAIN..
Didnt do my Super session today.. really just couldnt be bothered and needed to spend sometime with my girls... SO going to AquaFit tomorrow and doing RPM and PUMP! I feel like a traitor to my gym but i guess its their fault for not running classes on a sunday haha HOW DARE THEY HAVE A DAY OFF! hahaha
I'm kind of excited! Somewhere different but the same classes i love!

Really nevous about my measurements this fortnight! I really wont be suprised if i have put on.. Oh well just have to be better organised and better supported next week! Sometimes people dont realise how hard it is to lose weight! Its amazing how easily it goes on but damn.. getting it off is murder!!
I kill myself exercising but that doesnt matter if im not even eating properly! I really need more support at home! Its really hard but i know itll all be worth it in the end!

Goal for this week: Do not be lazy with your food Rachel!! Just because someone else is eating unhealthily does not mean you have to! Try and choose the healthier options at other peoples houses and take healthy snacks for outings! Come on you can do it!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Brush it off!!

Ok.. big whoop im not on target for 20kgs by my bday.. but i know i have lost weight! My body is changing even if the stupid scales arent! Atleast i havent put on! and im in a good pattern so eventually one week i might actually lose the 1kg i have planned to do from the start! POW!!
Off to the gym! An easy-ish session today as im sore from PT yesterday haha

Healthy Eating!

Yummy!! Been eating all 12wbt recipes! and boy they are sooOoOooo tasty!!!

Healthy Nachos! Made with lentils and mince mmMmMmm Using Mountain Bread Rye wraps as the corn chips!

Healthy Lime crumbed fish with Smoked paprika Sweet potato wedges

So good even Immy asked for more!

Weigh In Wednesdays


Have been working so hard this week on my food and really pushing with my exercise! and only lost 300g!! WTF?!
89.5kg and am supposed to be 88kg! grrr! Only 1.5kg off my target but god damn its not bloody easy to lose that much weight!! Everyone else on the 12wbt is doing really well! 1-2kg losses! Im really happy for them but it just makes me wonder what the hell am i doing wrong?! siiigghhh... today is going to be shit.. Going to STEP at 9:30 but really dont want to! *insert grumpy face here* 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

WEEK 2 Suprise QUIZ


Dammit!! i wanted to win a fancy Heart Rate Monitor!!
This was straight out of my brain at 11pm at night so dont laugh haha



Test Name:
Are You a Nutrition Nut?
7 out of 10 points
3 mins 10 secs
Date started:
Sun 19th Feb 2012 7:09am
Date finished:
Sun 19th Feb 2012 7:12am
Key: A tick or cross will show next to chosen answers
Tick for correctly answered Correctly answered
Cross for incorrectly answered Incorrectly answered
Arrow for missed correct multiple choice option Missed correct multiple choice option

Question 1 / 10

What is my daily caloric recommendation for an average female trying to lose weight?
Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)

800 cal per day
Correct answer
1200 cal per day
1500 cal per day
1800 cal day
Points: 1 out of 1

Question 2 / 10

What is my daily recommended caloric intake for an average male trying to lose weight?
Correct answer: D)
You chose: D)

900 cal per day
1200 cal per day
1500 cal per day
Correct answer
1800 cal per day
Points: 1 out of 1

Question 3 / 10

In order to lose weight, your body needs to be in a calorie deficit. In other words you need to burn more calories than you consume. Over a one week period, if you were in a calorie deficit of 7000cal, how many kilos/lbs would you lose?
Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)

Correct answer
½ kg/1.1lb
Points: 1 out of 1

Question 4 / 10

Adult onset diabetes (type II diabetes) means that there is too much sugar (glucose) in the blood. This is caused by the body becoming resistant to insulin which is what transports glucose out of the blood stream into working muscles, fat, and other cells. People who are overweight are more likely to get diabetes because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin. What is a good nutrition plan for diabetic or pre diabetic people?
Correct answer: A)
You chose: A)

Correct answer
Consume low GI, high fibre foods in smaller, regular intervals throughout the day, avoiding alcohol, excess salt and sugar.
Consume high carbohydrate foods such as white bread, instant white rice, as they are digested faster in the body. Avoid alcohol excess salt and sugar.
The best nutrition plan is not to have one, worrying about it is worse than actually having the disease.
Take medication and keep eating the way you were.
Points: 1 out of 1

Question 5 / 10

A large Pizza Hut deep pan classic Hawaiian pizza contains 8 x slices. How many calories is one slice?
Correct answer: C)
You chose: D)

Missed correct answer
Incorrect answer
Points: 0 out of 1

Question 6 / 10

1 gram of Protein and 1 gram of carbohydrate has the same number of calories?
Correct answer: A)
You chose: B)

Missed correct answer
True. They both contain 4 calories
Incorrect answer
False: Protein contains more calories
Points: 0 out of 1

Question 7 / 10

What are the three best ways to reduce your calories with minimum impact on portion sizes?
Correct answer: C)
You chose: C)

Replace oil/butter with spray, have a protein shake for breakfast, drink milk to reduce your appetite before each meal
Replace oil/butter with spray, use low fat products, eat more fruit
Correct answer
Replace oil/butter with spray, add heaps more vegetables to your meals, choose lean meats such as fish/chicken
Points: 1 out of 1

Question 8 / 10

Approximately how many calories in a medium (160ml) glass of red or white wine?
Correct answer: D)
You chose: D)

77 cal
88 cal
99 cal
Correct answer
110 cal
Points: 1 out of 1

Question 9 / 10

How many teaspoons of sugar are in one mini bottle (300ml) of coka-cola (129cal)?
Correct answer: D)
You chose: C)

Incorrect answer
Missed correct answer
Points: 0 out of 1

Question 10 / 10

Low GI foods are fantastic because they release energy slowly into the body, helping to regulate blood sugar levels, and keep you fuller for longer. Some good examples of low GI foods include:
Correct answer: C)
You chose: C)

Porridge, Rice, Parsnips, cornflakes
Soy milk, low fat milk, sweet potato, white bread
Correct answer
Porridge, low fat yoghurt, apples, broccoli
Cherries, Apricots, Eggplant, dates
Points: 1 out of 1

Blah Blah Blah... SO EXCITED!!


Sunday rest day! But always in the back of my mind im thinking of what i can do to exercise lol CRAZY!!! as i have Personal training tomorrow night!!

OMG seriously Penang chicken is the most amazing thing i have ever tasted! I cooked it tonight for my parentals and hubby! DuuUUUuUUde!!! YUMM!!! I cooked rice but i really didnt need to i was so full! I also added some Pak choi because it is my favourite!! AND!! its only like 289? calories???

IM SO EXCITED FOR PT TOMORROW NIGHT!! i seriously have to smash it!! i WISH i hadnt had a damn cheat meal on sunday!!! i discovered today that if i lose 1.3kgs this week i will be on track for my 20kgs in 20 weeks!! eeeEEeeEEeeEEe thats so exciting!!!!! and SO ACHIEVABLE!!

My yummy breakfast! i LOVE mushrooms hehe Only 284 calories!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Keeping up to date!

Just a little update!

12WBT is going really well! I'm finding new recipes and sticking to my plan of 5x 500-800 calorie workouts a week 1x 1000 calories workout and 1 x rest day!
I was so proud of myself this week i managed to cook up a big lasagne and pastabake and portion it out and freeze it! it has literally saved my life!!

I know it doesnt look that healthy.. but its only 204 calories a serve!(6 serves from this dish)
and paired with a side salad which makes up 300 calories its very filling!!

Tomato Pasta Bake
Coon Light cheese
Lean beef mince
Leggos WHOLEMEAL pasta
Canned Tomatoes

I go to the gym mainly in the mornings! Say around 10am and am normally there for 1hr - 2hrs depending on what im doing! When i finish and get the girls from the creche i am STARVING!!! its lunch time! and the gym being next to McDonalds, Red Rooster, Hungry Jacks, KFC and The wog shop really doesnt help!

THE OLD ME used to drive thru and pick up say a Medium Big Mac Meal, Frozen coke and Nuggets for Immy who is only 2 by the way! THATS FUCKED!!!

THE NEW ME is so organised i get home put my frozen portion in the microwave, make Immy a sandwich, make my salad and voilĂ ! HEALTHY CALORIE CONTROLLED MEAL that always fills me up and makes me proud of myself!

Not really feeling much different weight wise.. i know i have lost alot of cms.. but havent changed clothes sizes or anything.. it'll happen! =) im not going to give up because of my impatience!

Keep fighting the good fight guys! hahaha Peace out! Xxx


Exactly what i need to hear when i look at these old photos of me!

                                  My goal! To get back to this!!

Another Super Session Saturday!!
Not sure if i have mentioned it before but every second saturday im going to do cardio box with my husband =) and then my usual PUMP class! Just to mix it up a little!
Today was RPM and then PUMP!
1000 calorie burn saturday!!
Its suprising how amazing i feel after working out so hard! Its the same with PT!

Love that one ^^ hahaha well i can tell ya my fat cries itself to death haha i sweat from everywhere!! i have sweat dripping down my elbows, from my head, down my cleavage, down the back of my legs and I LOVE IT!! haha Why? because god dammit i am working hard! Thats what my sweat says! I dont think its gross i think its amazing! In every drop of sweat is weakness falling away from my body!! Every drop of sweat represents my strength and determination!
Everytime i feel the weakness creepy up in my head i push harder!
Bloody grunt and bear it woman! Weakness got you in this position it sure as hell wont get you out of it!!
you'll be suprised at how much you really have left in the tank!

This is how strong i want to be! I will get there!!

Healthy Eating!


Calories: 240

80g Thin Heart smart Steaks
2 slices burgen soy & linseed bread
One brown onion
One tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
One teaspoon of mustard
30g baby spinach and rocket lettuce mix
Tomato sliced

Brown onions and add balsamic vinegar.
Cook steaks 1 min each side.
Toast bread.
Butter with Mustard
Add Lettuce
Tomato slices
Sandwich complete!!

I even got my hubby to eat it =) I dont like steak sandwiches but damn this was good! and i was full after one! =) awesome!!

I have been eating really clean this week! I am determined to NOT let the scales beat me!! i will learn to love them!