Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Workout World

All your excuses solved! no? well right down every excuse you could possibly come up with! then write down the solution! Some of my recent excuses:
 "its too fricken hot to go running!" -so go do some laps!
"im too tired i really could just have a nap" - shut up and go exercise itll give you more energy and you wont feel like a lazy shit!
Some popular ones ive heard lately..
"i cant afford the gym" - So get out and workout in the park! go to the bike track! use the hills around mount annan run then do push ups run then do squat jumps.. google workouts!
"i feel like shit i dont want to exercise" - yeah youre right sitting there going over in your head how you feel like shit is so much better than getting up and getting on with it.. itll clear your head and youll feel better.. or youll feel like shit after anyway but atleast you did soemthing!
SO hard with my ever changing life to get into a set routine! But i try and work my training around whatever happens! I have set days for things and however i can fit it in i do!
Mon.. Cardio
Tues.. Toning
Wednesday.. Cardio
Thurs.. Toning
Fri.. core & flexibilty
Sat.. smash the shit out of it!!
Sun.. rest
Admittedly most weeks i end up having two rest days! Its hard when i work on the weekends to keep with my plan but aslong as im getting out and doing something its better than nothing!

Ive noticed my core getting a little better lately but nowhere near what i need it to be to support my body properly! So ive decided to make fridays core & flexibility! So lots of different ab exercises and some yoga!

Taking the girls to the gym! They love the creche and have friends who they see there!
Even Evie has made some little friends!

Yeah.. i need a nap thats how tired i get!
this is me trying to read my womens fitness mag!
Mind you i clean the house before i go to the gym.. massive workout.. then have to organise lunches and finish cleaning and then i can collapse if the girls have a nap!

 Yup i wore pigtails! i felt cute! some lady scoffed at me but fuck you i look awesome and youre boring! haha and YAY! Mel and i worked out for 5 minutes together! First time in ages we were at the gym at the same time!
Ab work, RPM and then the summit!
This is hwat i should be doing everyday.. yeah right

So true! If you dont enjoy your workout you wont go back for more! Find what you like but what also challenges you physically! I love gym classes and PT and outdoors challenges! My husband hates the gym hes into sports! I dont do sports because im way too competitive haha
Dont make me tell you what you have to do to burn off Ben & Jerrys! blergghh

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