Saturday, February 2, 2013

Yikes.. An epiphany

So apart from all the emotional shit that's been happening in my life right now that's been severely kicking me off track! I realized that maybe I'm focusing on the wrong thing.. I've been trying to focus all my efforts into "controlling" my eating. Yes I use that word for a purpose.. I have not been eating well for my body I have been trying to forcably control what I'm eating. Which anyone knows if you tell yourself NOT to do something automatically you'll wanna stuff your face with spinach & ricotta puff pastries! So I haven't been working out.. The old "abs are made in the kitchen" saying has been taken far too literally..
What I realize is the shift in my mind when I exercise.. I feel skinny and I want to nourish my body properly.. And in turn workout more to sustain that awesome feeling! Instead of trying to control my eating and then fucking up and binge eating due to severe emotional stress and then hating myself even more.. It's a terrible cycle of negativity.. When you're in that cycle it's really hard to exercise too so it's even harder to break it! Arghhh fuck food!!! Haha
Starting this week.. I will organize and diarise my workouts! My new workout plan I'm constructing at the moment is legs day, arms and shoulders, core & Back.. Included with each program will be atleast 30 minutes of cardio at the beginning and stretching at the end! Also ill try to super set or create circuits so I don't drop my heart rate too much or get bored haha
Also I was thinking to rotate the exercises in each specific days routine every 2 weeks so my muscles don't get used to the exercises. The in between days ill try and do laps or classes.. But my main focus will be the toning routine and getting back into the gym! God wish me luck! Self guided workouts haha
Of course I will be trying to eat as clean as possible.. Hoping my workouts improve my eating habits but also trying to separate my feelings from the foods I eat! Being able to deal with my emotions rather than stuffing it down with food. I will endeavour to eat regularly too! Stuffs me up when I don't eat and then I'm starving so I cram the junk!

My sister in law and I did a sample of some core circuits I've been toying with.. We only did it for 20 mins before yoga but I am so sore today!! It's great :-)

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