Sunday, November 25, 2012

Healthy Eating

yummm Immy & I made scones.. i dont think theyre that healthy..

 Mediterranean chicken! Cous cous and char grilled veggies! SO AMAZING!!!!

quick fix prawn stir fry! want to try this with salmon!

Yoghurt & fruit toad in the hole with ham

wanna try these for xmas!
little santa strawberries! SO CUTE

MMmMMm BBQ stack!

Always wanted to do a gourmet home made pizza!
Finally did it!
Sweet potato char grilled on BBQ
rocket, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, hot salami and feta

Lunch for work!
Ginger & soy baked barramundi

Some more food art for Immys lunch!

Been having serious self control issues!!
i have had so much ice cream!
seriously need to go see my naturopath and get this shit in check!
Havent lost any weight in over.. a month? or two?
Havent gained any either which is awesome but im still 10kgs away!!!
Just use stress as an excuse to not focus on eating right and getting the nutrients i need!
I always try and make good dinners and lunches but the ice cream DAMN BEN & JERRYS TO HELL!!! and the snacks! pretzels OMG yummmm hahaah

1 comment:

  1. Beb n Jerry's is my downfall too!. Your food looks amazing! Love reading your blogs:)
