Thursday, October 18, 2012

Healthy Eating

Yumm Yummm!!

Planning ahead is essentail to avoiding the "food zombie" mode.
Youre busy or not near any food and all of a sudden.. youre cranky, tired, lazy, headache, just want to sleep, sometimes you might get tummy pains.. and you get to a point where you would jam ANYTHING in your mouth just to get some energy because you are starving!!!!! I call this the "food zombie" and it happens when i dont plan what im doing with my food! Its easy to get side tracked from eating! Your body doesnt always tell you when its hungry.. until youre starving. Youre supposed to eat every 3hrs! Im a classic for missing morning and arvo tea! but these times are just as important as your main meals! If you skip snacks youre more likely to over eat at the next meal cause the starve/binge cycle you dont want your body to get into.
Youve gotta keep your metabolism cruising along! Once you skip a meal/snack time your body goes into starvation mode and will store everything in reserve. This is your bodies primal programming reverting back to nomad times when we had to hunt and gather our food and could go days without eating (especially if you were a shit hunter lol) . The body held onto everything it could from what we ate to keep the body running when food was scarse and where does it store all this reserved energy?! I dont know about you but it goes straight to my love handles! haha Our body fights to hold onto it for survival!

We cant change this programming but we can do things to help! In this day and age we dont have to walk anywhere for food! So we have to work twice as hard to get these reserves off!! If we are regularly eating small healthy meals our metabolism will speed up! Combine that with regular exercise and slowly you will work off the extra weight but its about getting that balance! Eating the right amount and not pushing yourself too hard! It's hard to find your personal balance and its different for everyone but keep at it and youll eventually find it!  Remember you can also have too much healthy food so watch your portion sizes! Just because its healthy doesnt mean you can have a bucket full haha
Planning in action..
Decided to grab a healthy lunch before i went to the hair dresser.. i know she takes atleast 4 hours to do my hair when im getting a colour so i have learnt to pack a picnic! Especially because shes right near hungry jacks and red rooster! I normally take a bottle of water and a peice of fruit or protein bar.
Its always a good idea to carry a protein bar or i like an apple around with you in your handbag.. or car for guys.. just in case you get stuck somewhere longer than you thought! You dont have to revert to eating/buying shit. 
Enough preaching.. Heres some recent photos!

My easy ass stir fry.. im pretty sure ive posted this before but seriously.. try it! If you dont like prawns you can try salmon!  or chicken! Its a great way to get all your greens in!
Another morning tea for Imogen!
Mango her new favourite! Strawberry, pecan nut, carrot and cheese

Summer time! BBQ fever...
OMG the most amazing thing i have made! Satay Chicken skewers with capsicum and red onion.. Snow peas and beans cooked with soy sauce, garlic and ginger.

The "Satay sauce" is actually made from ABC spread (instead of the usual peanut butter and cream) with onion, garlic, lime juice, tumeric, ground corriander seeds, ground cummin, chilli powder and a touch of brown sugar. YUM!!!

home made rissoles.. just lean mince, onion, garlic, grated carrot and some australian mustard! YUM

Breakfast.. Omlette with bacon and mushroom.. Yoghurt dipped strawberries with cinnamon..

An easy tip for managing your portions! Use a snack plate..
i really want to try these! theyre like lunch parfaits! hehe so cute

Healthy bullying..

I just wanna get this rant off my chest cause lately some people shit me to tears..
What is it about other people and feeling they have a right judge or make comments on what you eat/do in a negative way.. i went to my mums Intimo party (bras undies etc) and there was an afternoon tea spread set out.. I had made my cupcakes and my mum had made a pavlova! (FML) My favourite! I wasnt intending to eat any of my cupcakes cause they just didnt interest me so i thought i was safe until she bought out the pavlova! Now im responsible so i only got myself a small piece theres nothing wrong with having something every now and then! So i wasnt feeling guitly.. but then two (Overweight) people piped up and was saying shit about it! "oh Rach how long will that take you to run off?" "you shouldnt be eating that" im sorry but i think im the expert in this situation! Ive lost almost 30kgs! One peice of pavlova is not going to put it all back on! Grrr.. losing weight has this blanket judgement like youre only allowed to eat one stick of celery! Get educated people and dont say shit to me when i decide to eat something "naughty" out of the ordinary!

Also when i bring my lunch bag into work everyone always has to make a comment.. they started off saying stuff like "oh are you going to be here all week?! got enough food!" and "wow youre feeding an army" but thankfully people have started saying more positive things.. like "oh wow thats healthy" and "oh wow that salad looks good". No matter what people say you just have to brush it off.. im not doing this to look good for other people im doing it to improve my life! You are able to have your oppinion but keep it to yourself! If you want advice just ask..


  1. OMG! Thats one of my biggest fears, people saying that I have a lot of food. I love this blog its like my mum signed me up for 'how to eat like a lady' classes.

    The whole 'food is everywhere' thing drives me MENTAL. Did you know that for me to get to Mount Annan shops I need to drive past 3 Mcdonalds BEFORE I get to the 'fast food hub' that is MA shops?!

    1. I think its hard because peoples initial thoughts about weight loss is not to eat... but its really the opposite for most people! They dont eat enough and especially of the fresh foods we need to help our metabolism!

      Who cares what people say =) theyll eat there words when they start being amazed by your results =)

      I hate it! some days i wish i lived in the country! where there are NO fast food places! Its hard enough to be strong without having shit food confusing you everywhere you turn! Stay strong and youll be so proud of yourself for over coming it! =)
