Monday, October 22, 2012

?? Question Time ??

Ok.. so new section of my blog starting...


Question Time..

its exactly that! You have any specific questions ill answer them the best i can =) Ofcourse i have no formal training its all just my oppinion from experience and knowledge gained from everywhere i can.. combined with the experience of others i know. I do also have my amazing trainer on hand to provide her professional advice if im striggling to answer them correctly =) So lets kick this new tradition off with a few questions i have had recently..

The main question from people who see my before & after photo is..

"How the hell did she do it?!"

 Obviously they dont read my blog i say lol This is the hardest to explain! My bestfriend and I had this exact conversation the other day.. because we just shrug it off  'exercise, eat healthy, its easy' but thats not right! Its easy for us NOW because we have gone though the toughest of times.. starting! and sticking with it! Its still not easy now but it gets easier when youre closer to your goal! Its different for everyone but the biggest thing i can say.. train your mind! You may exercise.. you may eat good.. but whats going on in your mind?! Once you have tackled your inner thoughts you will be getting somewhere! its kind of like training your dog! You have to tell it NO! and you have to make it strong enough to survive on its own and then you have to reward it with kind thoughts! =) everything will flow when your head is in the right spot! cause as soon as i let go of my mind training.. shit gets fucked up lol the excuses come in to not exercise.. the energy goes.. the tears come! and then the junk food is flowing! So keep your mind on a tight leash! haha The rest you know from all my posts! =)

This next one is from Lauren S. and she asked..

" Hey rach, can i ask do you measure all the food u eat? your portions on your blog always look so 'precise'? "

I did start off weighing and measuring my portions.. Counting calories with 'My Fitness Pal'  But after a while you start to remember how much to have. Ive always been told protein (steaks, chicken, etc) should be the size so that it fits in your palm! Also ive seen and posted in my healthy eating posts a few plate diagrams that show how much of your plate should be protein, complex carbs and how much veggies! Now I generally go about half a cup of this and a handful of that depends how full on you are! I started with a fire in my belly so wanted to do everything perfect!

This next one is from Jess.M amd she asked..
"Hey, I wanna lose weight but I have a few issues I was hoping you could help with.

first up, I am very picky with my food. I have tried just eating things but because it's unsatisfying I end up eating crap.

second, I cant afford to go to gym."
Yeah it's pretty hard in the beginning.. But just keep trying new things.. Find out whats healthy that you do like and work around that!
I don't know what you eat so it's a bit hard but try finding the healthier options for things you eat now.. Cutting down and being aware of your portion sizes can really help alot!
For example if you have to have take away instead of a large big mac meal with coke.. Get a small seared chicken wrap meal with a bottle of water! Just little things!
Sometimes it's not so much the food we don't like but the withdrawal from the sugar or fats we are used to can really confuse our minds.. And your body will be used to running a certain way on the foods you are eating so it'll take a while for it to be happy with the readjustment..

I was pretty picky but then my body got used to the different food and now when I have shit it dies lol  But I still hate ricotta cheese! And won't bloody touch smoked salmon scrambled eggs! I know how hard it is to get going! It'll take about a month to flush your system and get used to the healthy food and changed portion sizes.. but youll have more energy and feeling better so youll want to eat better =)

You don't have to go to join the gym.. Start off walking and build up to start jogging.. Download couch 2 5km.. It's an app to help you start running! In the beginning it's just about getting started and sticking with it! Once you have a firm routine of exercising and your fitness level gets used to walking you stop being so puffed and stop sweating you need to step it up! When the weight comes off you'll need to tone up so you're not floppy! You can do weights or simple workouts with your own body weight.. Push ups, jump squats, sit ups etc.. It can be easier if you have a buddy! Around the same fitness level who has the same goals, you can motivate each other!

If you have any questions.. please comment below, email me ( or the most effective: private message me on Facebook. =)


  1. I'm famous!

    I love reading this, always so motivating.

    I have a question, how did starting to lose weight and change your diet and exercise regime affect your family? I am finding that my partner is the most trying part about this, he wants to be supportive but he isn't changing any of his behaviours so it affects me. I know I shouldn't let it but it does. Did your husband change the way he ate or was he pretty healthy?

    How do you manage maintaining healthy eating with two girls running around?

    1. youre my only commenter =) youre very valued!
      Amazing question!! ill answer this in my next post because its going to be a big rant hahaha =)
      Thanks Elle!
