Thursday, October 4, 2012



So i thought this post could be good time to reflect on how far ive come.. After all it has been 1 year of my weightloss journey!  AND IM FINALLY UNDER 80kgs!!!!!!

This is me a year ago...

Weighing in at just under 100kgs.. Everything was an effort. I was always exhausted. Always hungry. i hated myself and would constantly remind myself how shit i was. I didnt have any motivation to do anything. Cried alot and was depressed. I was in a bad place but always put on a happy face so people wouldnt make me talk about my feelings. It was easier for me to stuff crap in my mouth than talk about what was going on.. it was less painful.I didnt have the energy to make healthy food decisions. But the toll it was taking on my mind,body and my life was too great a cost! Something snapped inside me one day.. i had enough and something had to change! I was sick of hating myself!

So i started doing the obvious.. Getting active.. I started at the gym just on the treadmill and the bike taking it in little steps getting a routine going. I was seeing small results but nothing that can really keep you motivated when all you want is instant results in the beginning.. Your mind will break before your body does and my mind let me down alot. "oh whats the point?! youre not getting anywhere so dont bother with all this!" but i kept going i would have my weeks where i would throw it in! Eventually i realised my eating was not supporting my efforts. So i started trying to have more veggies and salads and cutting down on carbs.. I have read MANY diet books over the years (atkins,womens health mag, body trim, Michelle bridges, interviews with celebs who have lost heaps of weight etc) and seen many people who have told me tips on nutrition and healthy eating. I even joined weight watchers back in the day. So i have alot of knowledge and differing ideas about what to eat what not to eat but to be honest.. its all the same! Ramp up your fresh veggies and cut down on your precessed food and refined carbs.. White bread to pumpkin seed, packet mixes to freshly made sauces, half your plate full of veggies and only a palm sized serving of protein. Watch your portion sizes! Smaller plates= smaller servings! You dont have to finish whats on your plate! Listen to your body take small breaks have a sip of water.. i used to guzzle down my food and then sit back and wonder why i wanted to throw up i was so full it hurt! It takes your head 10-15 minutes to register that your stomach is full!

"Some experts claim it can take up to 20 minutes for the body's signal to reach the brain. So in theory, someone who takes one bite a minute may only overshoot her fullness by 20 bites of food, while someone who takes five bites a minute eats 100 bites more than her body really wants before the satiety signal makes it to the brain.
Twenty minutes seems like a very long time for a signal to reach the brain; but as it turns out, the signal is coming from the intestines, not from the stomach. It takes time for the food we eat to move from the stomach to the intestines, which could explain why it takes so long for our fullness to register with the brain"

Some of the food i used to eat all the time..

Im a bit of a dessert queen and i loved my sweets! Always making desserts, cookies, cakes. We would go out just for food..

 This is tuna pasta bake! Pasta, creamy sauce from a jar, tuna and bacon. Garlic bread. The salad is boring and was added because i was starting my healthy eating stage.. its all carbs.. theres no veggies and i would feel so ridiculously full after and bloated the next day. These feelings you dont recognise are associated with food until you start regularly eating healthy. We dont have this anymore much to my husbands dismay haha You can still have these things but in moderation!

            Before.. when i started at the gym..         This is me still going strong a year later! =)

You can do it! Just keep going! Like the little train that could! Youll be proud of yourself if you push through when times get tough! when youre heading down the other side of the hill youll be glad you kept pushing up the hill!


  1. I think I am in the beginning stages where you were. I have been 'trying' so long that it seems second nature to feel guilty as soon as we eat even if what I have eaten would be considered healthier than the usual.

    I think a healthier view and understanding of carbs as well as a fresh is best approach is really go to help me. Thank you so much for doing a blog post! They always keep me motivated!

    1. Sorry.. only just saw you comment.. You need to release that guilty feeling! Eat what you want just in moderation =) combined with healthier options you ll get there =) dont starve yourself from the sweet things or you will end up having a binge.. small doses!
      goodluck and keep going! you can do it xox
